Tuesday, August 02, 2005
A former Christian Brothers Academy teacher accused of having sex with an underage student turned herself in to police today.
Beth Geisel, a 42-year-old Christian Brothers Academy writing instructor, mother of four and wife of a bank president, said nothing as she surrendered to face charges of raping a 16-year-old male student last May.
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Beth Geisel, a 42-year-old Christian Brothers Academy writing instructor, mother of four and wife of a bank president, said nothing as she surrendered to face charges of raping a 16-year-old male student last May.
- Aretakis alleges the teacher's out-of-control sexual behavior was known among students and their parents for months — and had to be known by administrators — yet was kept secret.
"I believe it is similar to what's going on . . . in the Catholic church, that this Catholic school was looking to avoid shame and embarrassment and that they tried to wish these incidents away," Aretakis said.
"They said, 'Let's keep this in the family. Use restraint. We believe this incident is isolated.' I'm angry for them acting irresponsibly." - Geisel allegedly had sex with the boy at the Catholic school's football field within earshot of his snickering pals, authorities said yesterday.