Saturday, July 16, 2005
Sad But True
Is Harry Potter Evil?
After all, Harry and his classmates attend the celebrated Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The real danger is not in the books, but in laughing off those who would ban them.
History of Witchcraft
The Christ-ocrat party gains momentum...
"to be morally consistent is often to be politically unpredictable. 'I'm not a Democrat. I'm not a Republican. I'm a Christ-ocrat.' And that's what we need to be." - Zell Miller
Congressman Says He Doesn't Advocate Bombing Mecca
But why not? Were we joking when we threatened to bomb Moscow? Remember MADD? Or maybe the lives of Russians are worth less than thier middle eastern counter parts?
Ebonics: Blacks in San Bernadino to have future ruined.
You thought the schools were crazy for teaching alternatives to Evolution? How about teaching alternatives to Language?
Anonymity is coming to an end, well known author says.
Is this good or bad? It doesn't really matter – it is inevitable. Once anonymity is gone, it is very likely that we will eliminate crime as we know it today. That will be a very good thing. (see also 1984)
Credit Card Minimums to Double
Within the next month, Bank of America, MBNA and Citigroup will raise minimum monthly payments on their cards from 2 percent of the balance to up to 4 percent, not including interest. Other card issuers are expected to make similar changes by the end of the year.
Speaking of banks, can I have another beer?
HSBC bank says there is no law against Banking While Intoxicated, as outlined in a multi million dollar claim by supermodel Maggie Rizer.
Teen Lauches New Airline - No, really
British Pigeons Becoming Obese
British junk food lovers are having an unhealthy effect on the country's pigeons, which are becoming obese by feasting on litter leftovers.
I got a fever and the only prescription is more cow bell
The governor of Iowa accompanied REO Speedwagon on cowbell at Sunday night's National Governors Association mini-state fair event.
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After all, Harry and his classmates attend the celebrated Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The real danger is not in the books, but in laughing off those who would ban them.
History of Witchcraft
The Christ-ocrat party gains momentum...
"to be morally consistent is often to be politically unpredictable. 'I'm not a Democrat. I'm not a Republican. I'm a Christ-ocrat.' And that's what we need to be." - Zell Miller
Congressman Says He Doesn't Advocate Bombing Mecca
But why not? Were we joking when we threatened to bomb Moscow? Remember MADD? Or maybe the lives of Russians are worth less than thier middle eastern counter parts?
Ebonics: Blacks in San Bernadino to have future ruined.
You thought the schools were crazy for teaching alternatives to Evolution? How about teaching alternatives to Language?
Anonymity is coming to an end, well known author says.
Is this good or bad? It doesn't really matter – it is inevitable. Once anonymity is gone, it is very likely that we will eliminate crime as we know it today. That will be a very good thing. (see also 1984)
Credit Card Minimums to Double
Within the next month, Bank of America, MBNA and Citigroup will raise minimum monthly payments on their cards from 2 percent of the balance to up to 4 percent, not including interest. Other card issuers are expected to make similar changes by the end of the year.
Speaking of banks, can I have another beer?
HSBC bank says there is no law against Banking While Intoxicated, as outlined in a multi million dollar claim by supermodel Maggie Rizer.
Teen Lauches New Airline - No, really
British Pigeons Becoming Obese
British junk food lovers are having an unhealthy effect on the country's pigeons, which are becoming obese by feasting on litter leftovers.
I got a fever and the only prescription is more cow bell
The governor of Iowa accompanied REO Speedwagon on cowbell at Sunday night's National Governors Association mini-state fair event.