Thursday, May 26, 2005
Battle of the Sexes pt 2
It is the age old question: what do women want? Now, we have delved into the question of why men make more money than women in the workplace - or should I say the myth that men make more money! Because if it were in fact true that women do the same work as men for less money, then why would anyone hire men?
Of course, a more in depth analysis reveals that women are less competitive than men, women are less willing to work overtime, and are less willing to work dangerous, or risky jobs which pay more. Women, as it turns out, are just less preoccupied with making money than men.
So before you lobby your Congressman and Senator to pass that equality in the workplace bill, remember, if women want it they will get it! No one needs more legislation getting in the way - especially women. Less we live in a society where every woman will have to deal with the glances askew that privately ask, "did she earn that promotion or was it affirmative action giving her a leg up?" And you can ask all the hard-working minorites in your workplace how that feels.
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Of course, a more in depth analysis reveals that women are less competitive than men, women are less willing to work overtime, and are less willing to work dangerous, or risky jobs which pay more. Women, as it turns out, are just less preoccupied with making money than men.
So before you lobby your Congressman and Senator to pass that equality in the workplace bill, remember, if women want it they will get it! No one needs more legislation getting in the way - especially women. Less we live in a society where every woman will have to deal with the glances askew that privately ask, "did she earn that promotion or was it affirmative action giving her a leg up?" And you can ask all the hard-working minorites in your workplace how that feels.